About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Stay-At-Home-During-The-Ice-Storm-Day

Hope everyone is warm and cozy today whether at home or work! Being home, I'm in my fleece robe and fuzzy socks in front of my laptop, pretending I have a work-from-home kind of job. Well, I guess I do...for today anyway! Of the two necklaces pictured, the one on the left is for my niece who has a darling 4 year old boy and is expecting a baby girl in one week! The one on the right is an order....so I did do some work today!

I was reading an article from an online crafter's magazine this morning regarding customer email lists. I was moved to add a comment of my own to the article with extra info. It occurred to me that some of my blog followers are new to the crafting scene and may find this tip helpful in starting up their new businesses:

Always keep an Email Notification Sign-up Sheet out at your shows. When customers ask about where you will be showing next, offer your sign-up list. Assure them that you will never give out their email address, nor clog up their inbox with a bunch of unwanted emails. When sending out your emails always check the "Bcc" box in your address book so email addresses remain private. Also, use your business name in the subject line so you will be recognized and won't be deleted for fear of spam mail.

Your notification emails should include: date, times, location, your booth number or other means to easily find you, any cost to enter the show, and if possible, a link to the show website. Include a list of future shows as well. Many of our customers say they mark their calendars ahead of time so they can plan ahead to attend.

You can add incentives for show attendees, by offering a discount to anyone who prints out the the email and brings it to the show. I ALWAYS honor the discount if they mention it, but forgot to bring it with them! Advertise your websites, blogs, facebook, etc. by listing them in your email "signature".

Any experienced crafters out there, please add your own tips and comments. We had to learn most of this by trial and error. Hope this helps cut out a lot of the "error" for you!!


  1. I gotta ask this..... Did you have a pipe break? Because it looks like the ground is dry all around that tree and that tree is the only iced up thing? It looks cool but I just had to ask... :o)

  2. Hi, Scrapper!

    A lot has happened lately and I have just today gotten back to my blog. We thought the same thing! The scene is from our neighbor's yard across the street. My husband noticed their water hose running over the palm tree. I think they are running the water over it to keep the heart of the palm from freezing! We just had to take a picture! It stayed frozen like that for 4 days!!!

    You know our mom is still in the hosp. from Stuff's blog. We also have a new baby in the family. This Mon. my husband was injured while cutting tree limbs; sutures over his eye, sprained right(!) hand, and various scrapes and bruises all over. He'll be okay, but it will take a while. Meanwhile, I'm actually having to do the cooking and grocery shopping, taking out the trash, and even putting gas in my own car! Horrors!! LOL!;} Also, I'm in the middle of a 3-day Valentine's Day office bldg. show in downtown Houston. When it rains, it pours!! I hope my blog is the only thing I have neglected, and not something really critical around here! Stay warm!
