About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Peacock & Guinea Feather Earrings

These cute earrings were made using our own guinea feathers (cleaned of course! : ) No, I didn't chase down the guineas and pluck a few feathers! They very courteously left them on the ground for me to pick up! Too bad we don't have a peacock or two! I had to buy those feathers!

These are very lightweight and breezy to wear. The sterling chain and Swarovski crystals give them just enough weight to make them hang pretty.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Computer Done Gone!

Look very closely at this picture! Notice the right-hand corner of the laptop...THAT'S how I limped along for a little while before my computer gave up entirely!!! I had to prop the left-hand side up with the docking station (so I wouldn't have to type at an up-hill angle!) to accomodate the the clamp that was needed to keep my computer on! Seriously, it would not stay on unless you pressed down over the f12 button! Picture me typing one-handed while holding down the f12 with my other hand. The aggravation factor was at an all time high! Needless to say, I only used my computer when absolutely necessary! My brilliant husband, who can fix just about anything, came up with the clamp idea...and voila! Southern ingenuity at it's best!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Metal Pieces!

This ring is of fine silver. I got to use my torch on this one!!!

Welcome to a New Follower-DebHillArt

Well, I'm back online again after a long, unplanned hiatus! (Computer down! I'm working off my old dinosaur at the moment.) I may have neglected my blog, but I haven't been unproductive! I have lots of new metal work to show you...even a few rings!

First, I'd like to welcome DebHillArt to the fold! Thank you, Deb, for becoming a follower!! I've had the pleasure of meeting this uber-talented artist in person at her Laughing Crow Studio here in Cypress TX. She's as nice as she is talented!! If I had to describe her art in one word, it would be "fantasia" ! You have to see it...don't take my word for it. Check out her work at www.DebHillArt.etsy.com.