About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Peacock & Guinea Feather Earrings

These cute earrings were made using our own guinea feathers (cleaned of course! : ) No, I didn't chase down the guineas and pluck a few feathers! They very courteously left them on the ground for me to pick up! Too bad we don't have a peacock or two! I had to buy those feathers!

These are very lightweight and breezy to wear. The sterling chain and Swarovski crystals give them just enough weight to make them hang pretty.


  1. OH WOW! Those looks lovely! One of the people a few blocks over from me have a peacock! Should I pick up the feathers for ya? LOL

  2. Heck yeah!! I'd love that! What a pal you are to do that for me!!!! LOL! The guinea feathers are from our own guineas!

    A co-worker of mine had a peacock show up in her garage one time...scratched her corvette!!! Before her husband could brain it, it messed up their nextdoor neighbor's car...and was never seen again!! I told her if that ever happens again to be sure and get the feathers for me! LOL
