About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tonya's Pendant

We attended the birthday party for my hubby's niece yesterday...she made out like a bandit!! She said she loved the pendant, and I have to believe her since she received lots of other jewelry but put our's on immediately! Another niece wanted one as well...so this one will be for her. I decided to rivet today instead of solder! I'm really liking the rougher, more primitive, organic style as opposed to a picture-perfect mirror finish. This looks to be my niche!

Like the slate background? The store let us have it for a sample....soooo we're going to a different store each weekend to pick samples til we have enough to floor our hot tub porch! LOL!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who out there remembers what ransom notes looked like before computers?

If you saw my last post, you might be thinking how odd that I know two people with children born in August whose names are almost exactly the same. Guess again! It's the same pendant...wrong spelling! The little pendant on the left looks sooo innocent, but in reality has cost three days of panic and a cut finger! It all started when a friend texted me while I was at work and asked if I could do the pendant....Of course! I said. I wrote the name "Delanie" on a note, but left it at work. I was more than a little rusty at stamping and messed up two (!) hearts! I finally had this one done (yippee!) when I realized I had stamped "Dalanie" ! Like an idiot, I texted my friend to verify the spelling, all the while HOPING that somewhere in the back of my mind this was supposed to be the correct spelling! She is a labor and delivery nurse who works nights...I should have taken into account that she's probably tired and there is a lot of adrenaline flowing at her work place...she texted back "Delaine"!!! What?!!??

Enter my precious husband who has been trying to help me learn to solder this week...I tell him I have an idea to fix it but it involves soldering the copper name to the pendant...will he help me? Never one NOT to show off his great abilities, he of course agrees...I knew he would ;0)...we change it to "Delaine" by stamping it on copper and cutting it out, then soldering the nameplate...We are both pretty impressed with ourselves...til yesterday evening when my friend realized her mistake and texted me...It is "Delanie" after all!! Now comes the really impressive part...with a little heat from the torch the copper nameplate will come off, then you can cool your metal (the heart) and start all over again! Sure beats ruining a 3rd sterling silver heart! I have to give my husband credit for this one!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Did I Ever Tell You About the Time I "Accidentally" Kidnapped my Grandson???

Probably not....it just happened yesterday......

Night before last night my daughter-in-law called while I was in the middle of my first attempt at soldering. She outlined plans for the next exciting couple of days..the kids are anticipating the "Meeting the Teacher" event and some last minute surprise flings before school starts.

Austin (5, going into Kg) was to meet his teacher Thursday pm...Averie (10, going into 4th grade) was to meet her teacher Friday am...then they would all meet for lunch and take the kids on a surprise trip to the Space Center Houston afterwards. Those were the basic, most important points of the conversation...As usual when I'm slightly (?) distracted only SOME things stick on their way in one ear and out the other!

For some reason, I had it in my head that I was to pick Austin up from his Montessori school on Thursday afternoon as I has been the Thursday afternoon standard for 2 years now. To Austin's credit, he TRIED to tell me his dad said it was meet-the-teacher day, but I convinced him it wasn't until the next morning, and we happily pulled in my driveway with plans to ride the (battery operated) 4-wheelers "in the street" (!) together. Luckily I grabbed my cell phone on the way out the door, and it rang just as I swung my leg over my camo ride and hit reverse. It was my d-in-law in a panic! "Where are you!?!" Do you have Austin???" Of course I have Austin...I was supposed to pick him up...r-i-g-h-t???? :] Wrong! Oh, so wrong!!! :(] Oops!

All the way to the school (thank Heavens, not too far!) he told me he told me so...he's just like his daddy and his grandpa! When we pulled into the parking lot, he said, "Don't worry, Grammy, you just forgot your mind!"

Out of the mouths of babes.......

Ahhh, but I digress...where was I?...Oh, yeah, soldering....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hammered Copper Squiggles Wrapped With Sterling Silver

I just LOVE this set! Even if I did make it myself! The pieces are made of hammered copper wire, wrapped with sterling silver; then dipped in liver of sulfur to oxidize, giving it the dark antique look. The ring at the top is stamped with different designs, then wound around a ring mandrell. Super cute! I have this ring in sterling and fine silver...each one a little different from the other. More pix to come later of those!