About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who out there remembers what ransom notes looked like before computers?

If you saw my last post, you might be thinking how odd that I know two people with children born in August whose names are almost exactly the same. Guess again! It's the same pendant...wrong spelling! The little pendant on the left looks sooo innocent, but in reality has cost three days of panic and a cut finger! It all started when a friend texted me while I was at work and asked if I could do the pendant....Of course! I said. I wrote the name "Delanie" on a note, but left it at work. I was more than a little rusty at stamping and messed up two (!) hearts! I finally had this one done (yippee!) when I realized I had stamped "Dalanie" ! Like an idiot, I texted my friend to verify the spelling, all the while HOPING that somewhere in the back of my mind this was supposed to be the correct spelling! She is a labor and delivery nurse who works nights...I should have taken into account that she's probably tired and there is a lot of adrenaline flowing at her work place...she texted back "Delaine"!!! What?!!??

Enter my precious husband who has been trying to help me learn to solder this week...I tell him I have an idea to fix it but it involves soldering the copper name to the pendant...will he help me? Never one NOT to show off his great abilities, he of course agrees...I knew he would ;0)...we change it to "Delaine" by stamping it on copper and cutting it out, then soldering the nameplate...We are both pretty impressed with ourselves...til yesterday evening when my friend realized her mistake and texted me...It is "Delanie" after all!! Now comes the really impressive part...with a little heat from the torch the copper nameplate will come off, then you can cool your metal (the heart) and start all over again! Sure beats ruining a 3rd sterling silver heart! I have to give my husband credit for this one!

I love mixed metals, so we hatched a plan to make the other pendant for his neices's birthday! I called it my ransom note style...My daughter-in-law just looked at me...kind of blank...I had to explain to her that before computers all the words in ransom notes had to be cut from magazines and newspapers, then glued to stationery so the kidnapper's handwriting couldn't be traced. (Geez, doesn't she watch old movies???)

I realized right then and there that when the next generation comes along, we'll probably have to explain what magazines and newspapers were!!! :() Ransom notes are a dying art! Understand, I am not promoting kidnapping just to keep ransom notes from fading into the past....Actually, it brings to mind the old classic story, "The Ransom of Red Chief"....she probably doesn't know about that either.....

P.S. Is there anyone out there who can give me pointers on how to photograph silver and have it look silver in the picture? I see this all the time...the silver looks like gold or brass! Hard enough to photograph it without a glare. I worked well into the night trying to edit the photo to make the silver be silver...obviously without much luck!


  1. Hahahaha! Geez! Kids today! They don't remember much! LOL My kids don't even know what a pay phone is! LOL If you try to angel your camera that may help to get the silver look... Because it looks like you are right on top of the jewelry when taking the picture... You may want to try and hang the jewelry and have an all white background.... then tip your camera down/on an angel to get a better shot.... Also the lighting can affect it to.. Find a room that has a florescent light... I use my kitchen because it has better lighting! Hope some of this helps! Sorry you had to re-do the name but I like the look... Hubby is a clever man! Don't tell him I said that or his head will swell! tehehehe :o)

  2. Just read your comment from yesterday.... I know the "miislucky" throws everybody off! That's my crazy sister's ID! Of course she practically is anonymous since she hardly ever posts! tehehehe
    Would love a chance to visit you crazy sisters one day! It would have to be when it's not soooo HOT! LOL

  3. Thanks so much, Theresa! I will certainly try your tips...sometimes I get it right, but by the time I do...I've forgotten what I did...Does that make sense??? Anyway, I do appreciate your suggestions and will try them out asap!

    Can't blame you for wanting to wait til it cools off some before you visit...I'm planning a "show-n-tell" project with the grandkids this afternoon...we're going to fry some eggs on the pavement so they can show their class "What I Did This Summer".....LOL!

    Tell your sis she has to come with you when you visit!

  4. Deb, I get so wrapped up in the story that I forgot what the project was.haha Maybe we need to write a few ransom notes to our kids. I wonder if Melissa knows what that is? hmmm
    By the way I really like the new pendants.
