About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Friday, September 10, 2010

Check out my latest!

Well, I had the perfect design ready in my head when I made the copper necklace clasp pictured a few posts below....but as with all good ideas....sometimes they lead to better ones! As I was looking for the beads I had in mind, I happened across one of my more striking Tibetan pieces, then some of my piccaso jasper...a whole new plan took shape! The brass beads in front are handmade antique African trade beads. Of course, the bracelet also had to be totally different from the original design I had in mind, so I forged the copper clasp and built the bracelet around it! The large jumprings are made by yours truly as well. I made earrings, but they just didn't hit me the same way...til yesterday inspiration struck! And wouldn't you know it, my camera batteries died on me, so I will post those later...


  1. These pictures show some PUUURRRRDDDDYYY Jewelery Lady! You are way talented.... Just Beautiful :o) Have you found a jewelery message board yet? Just wondering... :o)

  2. Love these beads. these are all so pretty.

  3. Thank you very much for your kind words! No, I haven't found a jewelry message board...they may be right under my nose on sites where I do my ordering , but sometimes I have a one-track mind!!! Can you tell?? ha! Now our show season is starting up, and I already can't sleep for the jewelry ideas running thru my head!!!
