About Me

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I absolutely LOVE what I do! I started designing jewelry over eight years ago, and I still love to bead myself senseless every chance I get! I have a wonderful, patient husband, 5 grandchildren, 2 baby goats, and 20 chickens to keep me busy and out of trouble (?) when I'm not senselessly beading! www.BeadUSenseless.etsy.com

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Averie's I.D. Bracelet

Of course, when children are involved, there is ALWAYS a story!

My granddaughter, Averie, is 9 yrs. old. Her original nameplate on her I.D. bracelet was the top one in the picture. Being the only girl, I thought it would be cuter to have her name topsy-turvy and more feminine-looking...plus, it gave me a break from having to line all the letters up straight! (Believe it or not, that's the hardest part.) She had already seen Austin's bracelet...she took one look at her's and said, "It's CROOKED!" I told her that I did that because she's a girl and I thought it looked cuter for her. Her reply, "Well, you're gonna have to fix that "R" before I wear it." Ah, the best laid plans! So, disappointed as I was, I was going to honor her wishes and "fix" it....that's the 2nd nameplate! Guess I was a little agitated! I had to re-do her's again, but finally got it to her specifications!

(I can't believe I'm showing all my mistakes for all the world to see! ha!)


  1. That sounds just like Averie. They are both cute.

  2. Cute Idea...shame she didn't like the R the way you had it... although I have a question... Is she gonna like the E you did? It's crooked too and after the letter R issue not sure how she'll feel about that E! LOL Cute story and they both look grand! :o)

  3. That girl! She's not going to have anything she thinks the boys wouldn't be happy to have too!!! She already has her bracelet, and you can bet money on it, her E is as straight as the rest of her name!!! You are a hoot! Thanks for all your comments! I tried to find you on Stephanie's blog. She said you had changed your name? I wanted to follow your blog! Let me know who the real Scrapper 69 is!!! ha!

  4. Deb, just type in Miislucky.com and click on Scrapper's Anonymous. This is a blog Scrapper 69 shares with her sister. They both do beautiful work. You'll enjoy seeing their stuff.
